Read this when you’re having a bad day

I know today sucks and perhaps there’s a reason and perhaps there’s not. Emotions and feelings are a peculiar thing. They are also fleeting and come and go as quickly as the wind changes

I know today sucks and perhaps there’s a reason and perhaps there’s not. Emotions and feelings are a peculiar thing. They are also fleeting and come and go as quickly as the wind changes. When we’re feeling the “high” emotions: happiness, excitement, contentment, joy; we are feeling good; literally. When we’re feeling the “low” emotions: sadness, anger, frustration, hurt; we are feeling at times, hopeless. When we’re in the low vibe emotions; it feels as though we will never feel good again. It feels like the world is against us. While it’s completely natural in the human experience to feel low vibe emotions; it’s also in our power to witness our emotions with love and perspective; knowing that they will pass. The good, the bad and the ugly. Every single emotion is temporary.

When we get stuck in a “low vibe” story or feeling; we can learn to give ourselves compassion and push through knowing that we will get to the other side. We WILL return to joy and we can assist on the journey back to joy. What brings you joy? Perhaps it’s being with friends, listening to music, fresh air, a hug; all of the above? Do whatever it takes to return to joy. Joy is the catalyst to all things good and all things love. Joy attracts more joy. I understand that sometimes you simply want to hide in your bed under the covers and a little of that is okay but please don’t get stuck there. Bad feelings can manifest more bad feelings which attract more situations to be upset about. It can become a vicious cycle that you simply don’t want to get looped into.

Be gentle with yourself on the bad days. It’s just a bad day where perspective is skewed and the tears come easy. It doesn’t mean you should believe your feelings or your thoughts today. The mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. The wonderful thing about it is that on most days you get to choose how you want to feel based on what’s in your mind; always known as your thoughts! Your thoughts manifest your feelings and emotions in the end. Be mindful of what you are thinking as that is what is in the driver’s seat for your feelings. When feeling crummy; pause and reflect. What am I thinking about right now? What am I predicting will happen? What am I worried about? Have I gotten enough water and sleep lately? How close am I to my cycle? All things that can affect your mood and thoughts.

We are emotional beings and to not feel would not be the human experience. We are not robots; although, sometimes I know we wish we were. You wouldn’t be able to know how good the good feelings feel without the bad feelings. It’s all about balance. The sweet just isn’t as sweet without the sour. Refer to the Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale to see which emotions put you at the highest vibration and climb the scale back to joy.

Love and Light,
Tianna Leigh