When you’re searching for a reason; the search alone is your reason:
If you’re in any situation where you find yourself searching for a reason to make a change; or to leave. My darlings, stop the search. In the simple fact that you’re on a search; you have your answer.
If you’re in any situation where you find yourself searching for a reason to make a change; or to leave. My darlings, stop the search. In the simple fact that you’re on a search; you have your answer. You already have the appropriate course of action. If you’re in any unhappy or unfulfilling situation; you already know it. Intuitively, every fiber of your being is screaming “Go!” “Do it!” What are you waiting for? A clear sign? A “good enough” reason?
You’re waiting for the fear to subside? For a clear and defined path with guarantees to show up? I can tell you from experience that neither of those perfect scenarios will ever present themselves. There’s no such thing as being able to make a change and it not create some waves. There’s no such thing as being able to make a change and it not feel undefined as to what the effects may or may not be. That’s what change is all about. Scary? Hell yes! Change and uncertainty are some of the scariest but on the other side of that fear is the best life we were meant to live. When something or someone is no longer serving us; it’s time to make a change. It’s time for something new. Deep down; you already know this!
Your greatest ally is your intuition; what instinctively tells us what is good or bad for us. Those gut feelings; that off energy; it’s not there by accident. Learn to listen to yourself and know that it’s acceptable to trust yourself and trusting yourself is highly encouraged. Each and every person has their own agenda and own best interest at heart; therefore, you must too have your own best interest at heart. Stop getting caught up in other people’s agendas. What is YOUR agenda? What does your heart tell you? Start living life on your terms versus a life established on all that noise and other’s opinions that surround you. You and only you know what’s truly best for you.
You’ve got the get busy living life in all areas on your terms because you’ll blink and another ten years will have gone by. We all hear the clichés that “life is too short” and “time goes too fast” but you should realize just how true those words are. Life goes fast; whether you’re happy or miserable. Why not choose to be happy? When you make a big change; you’ll worry if you’re making the right decision, but you will only know that when you look back after the decision has been made. Only through action will you gain any clarity. You can ponder and wonder and plan, but until you make the move; you won’t know. Push through the fear and be one fire about your pursuit of happiness. It’s so worth it. You will see that once you are on the other side. Trust me!
Stop searching for the reason and make the decision to go. Do not settle for your life. You are worth it. You are deserving. You are supported. You are loved.