We Are Women; Hear Us Roar
It seems that 2017 ended on a high as the “year of the woman” and 2018 is certainly no exception. In fact; I believe this is just the beginning of women finding their voices and creating positive change.
“Leave your pain here, and go out and do your magnificent things.” Judge Rosemarie Aquilina
It seems that 2017 ended on a high as the “year of the woman” and 2018 is certainly no exception. In fact; I believe this is just the beginning of women finding their voices and creating positive change. It’s no secret that women are incredible and have always been amazing but each year we get stronger voices. We get more support. We continue to speak out against injustice. With resilient movements such as the #MeToo and #TimesUp at the forefront – women are gaining more momentum than ever when it comes to creating change and awareness. It’s beautiful that women are speaking their truths; even if their voices shake a bit.
It has been inspirational to see women using their platforms to use their voices. You can see it everywhere! The Grammy’s, The Oscars, the media and of course all over social media. I hope that the young girls of today that are the women of tomorrow are hearing these stories and find their own voices as a result. May their voices not always have to speak of horrible situations such as the gymnastics coach sexual molestation story but may girls and women always feel safe to speak their truths. The quote that resonated so strongly with me throughout the gymnastics coach trial was when the judge gave the sentence. “Leave your pain here, and go out and do your magnificent things.” Beautiful stated and something for us all to remember. Each of us have stories of pain, of trauma, of lessons learned, of mistakes, of heartbreak and the list goes on. Despite what we have been through; we still have many magnificent things to do in our lives. Pain and trauma do not equal death; in fact they equal strength. Being a survivor is empowering. Having scars; emotionally or physically means that we persisted; nevertheless. In fact; a lot of us are just getting started.
Honor all of the strong women that are speaking out and become one yourself. Learn from all your pain but do not let it stunt you from pursuing all of your dreams, passions and goals. Do not let the past define you. Do not be the victim. You have many magnificent things to do. The world needs you and your unique gifts. I urge you to share them. We all have talents and stories to share. We have change to pioneer. We have little girls to inspire. Women have come a long way and have so much further to go. It’s an exciting time to be a woman. The future is bright and looks more promising than ever. Let’s do this!