You Can Be Anything You Want to Be

​Why is it that we can look at a five year old and ask them “What do you want to be when you grow up?” No matter what they say; we support them. Children’s imaginations are incredible; aren’t they? Why is it that when that same child is eighteen or twenty and we ask them what they want to be when they grow up. If they don’t answer with a “logical” response (per our standards); the typical response would be something along the lines of “Get realistic!

Why is it that we can look at a five year old and ask them “What do you want to be when you grow up?” No matter what they say; we support them. Children’s imaginations are incredible; aren’t they? Why is it that when that same child is eighteen or twenty and we ask them what they want to be when they grow up. If they don’t answer with a “logical” response (per our standards); the typical response would be something along the lines of “Get realistic! Get a four year degree; get a good paying j-o- b; oh, and get a 401K.” Also known as; “staying safe” and following the “norm” and sometimes believing that is all there is. Is a formal education helpful? Absolutely. Is a formal education required for success? Not necessarily.

What if you want to go to school to get your accounting degree but also want to enroll in acting classes because acting is your passion? What if you want to quit your traditional school to move to Los Angeles to pursue your dream of an acting career? What if you want to graduate with your Engineering degree to land a harmless corporate job but also want to work on your welding craft in the evenings and weekends? It’s all good! Every single scenario you could come up with is great. We live in a time and in a world where the options are endless. Which is both awesome and can be a bit terrifying.

The world is at our fingertips; figuratively and literally. In fact; we can pretty much do and be anything we want! This means that whatever lights you up when you think about or do it; pursue it. Pursue it with your whole heart. That passion is not there by accident. Whether you pursue anything fulltime, part time or simply as a hobby; you get to decide. Do not let anyone else decide what is normal or what is good for you. You CAN be anything you want to be. It doesn’t matter your age, background, family history, relationship status or what you’ve done thus far. It doesn’t matter your formal education; or lack of formal education. It doesn’t matter what’s in your bank account; or perhaps what’s not in your bank account. Harness that inner five year old and know that your dreams are always possible. The only person you have to convince is yourself.

Depending on what you’re pursuing or what your dreams are; dream big! We need more people to lean into their passions and to do more of what they love. Doing what we love lights us up and the world needs more light. No matter how big or small you think your dreams are; go for it. Try it. Simply do more of what you love; in everything you do. No matter how safe or risky your dreams are; they are worth it. You are worth it. You are supported.

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

Love and Light,
Tianna Leigh